Bibliography of publications
- Assessment and treatment of pectus deformities: a review of reverse engineering and 3D printing techniques. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Facchini, F., Furferi, R., Volpe, Y. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2023, 29(1), pp. 19–32
- An Ad-hoc Solution for Ear Anatomy Acquisition in Pediatric Setting. Servi, M., Mussi, E., Profili, A., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2023, 20(S6), pp. 50–61
- A Semiautomatic Procedure to Assist Physicians in Paediatric Airway Stenting. Santarelli, C., Puggelli, L., Volpe, Y., Serio, P., Furferi, R. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2023, pp. 170–180
- Can MaWR-Method for Symmetry Plane Detection be Generalized for Complex Panfacial Fractures? . Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., Governi, L., Marzola, A., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2023, pp. 148–158
- A Simple Interactive Tool for the CAD Modelling of Surgical Guides for Autologous Ear Reconstruction. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Volpe, Y., Facchini, F. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2023, 20(1), pp. 109–118
- Engineering Auxetic Cylinders and Intestine to Improve Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening and Tailoring Procedure. Valentini, L., Chiesa, I., De Maria, C., …Coletta, R., Morabito, A. Bioengineering, 2022, 9(11), 658
- A computational method for the investigation of burn scars topology based on 3D optical scan. Furferi, R., Governi, L., Pinzauti, E., …Puggelli, L., Volpe, Y. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 149, 105945
- 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Casts for the Distal Radius in Children: Outcome and Pre-Market Survey. Lazzeri, S., Talanti, E., Basciano, S., …McGreevy, K.S., Carfagni, M. Materials, 2022, 15(8), 2863
- A CAD-Based Tool for Tissue-Mimicking Replica of Human Costal Cartilage. Servi, M., Mussi, E., Furferi, R., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, pp. 199–208
- CNN Approach for Monocular Depth Estimation: Ear Case Study. Magherini, R., Servi, M., Mussi, E., …Buonamici, F., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, pp. 220–228
- A rapid prototyping approach for custom training of autologous ear reconstruction. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Facchini, F., Volpe, Y., Furferi, R. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2021, 15(4), pp. 577–585
- Metrological characterization and comparison of D415, D455, L515 realsense devices in the close range. Servi, M., Mussi, E., Profili, A., …Governi, L., Buonamici, F. Sensors, 2021, 21(22), 7770
- Statistical Shape Model: comparison between ICP and CPD algorithms on medical applications. Marzola, A., Robilotta, C., Volpe, Y., Governi, L., Furferi, R. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2021, 15(1), pp. 85–89
- A computer-aided strategy for preoperative simulation of autologous ear reconstruction procedure. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Facchini, F., Carfagni, M., Volpe, Y. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2021, 15(1), pp. 77–80
- A new metrological characterization strategy for 3D multi-camera systems. Servi, M., Buonamici, F., Puggelli, L., Volpe, Y. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2021, 15(1), pp. 69–72
- Handheld optical system for pectus excavatum assessment. Servi, M., Zulli, A., Volpe, Y., …Ghionzoli, M., Facchini, F. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021, 11(4), pp. 1–13, 1726
- Preoperative planning of spiral intestinal lengthening and tailoring: A geometrical approach. Coletta, R., Mussi, E., Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y., Morabito, A. Bioengineering, 2021, 8(2), pp. 1–10, 20
- A novel ear elements segmentation algorithm on depth map images. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Facchini, F., …Governi, L., Volpe, Y. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021, 129, 104157
- U-net for auricular elements segmentation: A proof-of-concept study. Servi, M., Mussi, E., Magherini, R., …Furferi, R., Volpe, Y. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, pp. 2712–2716
- G-ear: A user-friendly tool for assisted autologous ear reconstruction. Mussi, E., Servi, M., Furferi, R., …Facchini, F., Volpe, Y. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, pp. 2750–2755
- A Fast and Reliable Optical 3D Scanning System for Human Arm. Buonamici, F., Carfagni, M., Puggelli, L., Servi, M., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 268–273
- CAD-based automatic modelling of customized cutting templates for Pectus Arcuatum surgical correction. Servi, M., Buonamici, F., Carfagni, M., …Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2020, 2020-July, pp. 6044–6048, 9175824
- Outpatient monitoring of Pectus Excavatum: A Neural Network-based approach. Servi, M., Furferi, R., Santerelli, C., …Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2020, 2020-July, pp. 5388–5393, 9176494
- Current practice in preoperative virtual and physical simulation in neurosurgery. Mussi, E., Mussa, F., Santarelli, C., …Volpe, Y., Genitori, L. Bioengineering, 2020, 7(1), 7
- A practical methodology for computer-aided design of custom 3D printable casts for wrist fractures. Buonamici, F., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Visual Computer, 2020, 36(2), pp. 375–390
- Autologous ear reconstruction: A semi-automatic procedure for patient-specific surgical guides. Mussi, E., Furferi, R., Servi, M., Volpe, Y., Facchini, F. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2020, 5, V005T05A027
- Autologous ear reconstruction: Towards a semiautomatic cadbased procedure for 3D printable surgical guides. Facchini, F., Morabito, A., Buonamici, F., …Servi, M., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2020, 18(2), pp. 357–367
- Towards a Non-invasive Pectus Excavatum Severity Assessment Tool Using a Linear Discriminant Analysis on 3D Optical Data. Servi, M., Furferi, R., Volpe, Y., Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2020, pp. 686–695
- A Reliable Procedure for the Construction of a Statistical Shape Model of the Cranial Vault. Marzola, A., Servi, M., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2020, pp. 788–800
- Pectus excavatum: a new approach for monitoring cup-suction treatment. Buonamici, F., Marzola, A., Servi, M., …Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. IFMBE Proceedings, 2020, 76, pp. 746–754
- 3d acquisition of the ear anatomy: a low-cost set up suitable for the clinical practice. Furferi, R., Mussi, E., Servi, M., …Volpe, Y., Facchini, F. IFMBE Proceedings, 2020, 76, pp. 669–678
- 3d printing-based pediatric trainer for ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access. Furferi, R., Guariento, L., McGreevy, K.S., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. IFMBE Proceedings, 2020, 76, pp. 735–745
- Automatic CAD modeling of ventilation holes for 3D printed wrist orthoses. Buonamici, F., Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., …Talanti, E., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2020, 17(2), pp. 325–336
- A semi-automatic hybrid approach for defective skulls reconstruction. Marzola, A., Governi, L., Genitori, L., …Volpe, Y., Furferi, R. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2020, 17(1), pp. 190–204
- Pectus Carinatum: a non-invasive and objective measurement of severity. Servi, M., Buonamici, F., Furferi, R., …Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2019, 57(8), pp. 1727–1735
- Customized Cutting Template to Assist Sternotomy in Pectus Arcuatum. Leng, S., Bici, K., Facchini, F., …Ghionzoli, M., Messineo, A. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2019, 107(4), pp. 1253–1258
- A robust and automatic method for the best symmetry plane detection of craniofacial skeletons. Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., Governi, L., Marzola, A., Volpe, Y. Symmetry, 2019, 11(2), 245
- Metrological and critical characterization of the intel D415 stereo depth camera. Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Sensors (Switzerland), 2019, 19(3), 489
- Accuracy assessment of CT-based 3D bone surface reconstruction. Puggelli, L., Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y., Furferi, R., Di Feo, D. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, pp. 487–496
- Ear reconstruction simulation: From handcrafting to 3D printing. Mussi, E., Furferi, R., Volpe, Y., …McGreevy, K.S., Uccheddu, F. Bioengineering, 2019, 6(1), 14
- Towards a CAD-based automatic procedure for patient specific cutting guides to assist sternal osteotomies in pectus arcuatum surgical correction. Carfagni, M., Facchini, F., Furferi, R., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2019, 6(1), pp. 118–127
- Surgery of complex craniofacial defects: A single-step AM-based methodology. Volpe, Y., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Scagnet, M., Genitori, L. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2018, 165, pp. 225–233
- A survey of methods for symmetry detection on 3D high point density models in biomedicine. Bartalucci, C., Furferi, R., Governi, L., Volpe, Y. Symmetry, 2018, 10(7), 263
- A Novel Objective Approach to the External Measurement of Pectus Excavatum Severity by Means of an Optical Device. Uccheddu, F., Ghionzoli, M., Volpe, Y., …Carfagni, M., Messineo, A. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2018, 106(1), pp. 221–227
- A semi-automatic computer-aided method for personalized Vacuum Bell design. Carfagni, M., Facchini, F., Furferi, R., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2018, 15(2), pp. 247–255
- A preliminary usability assessment of a 3D printable orthosis design system. Servi, M., Volpe, Y., Uccheddu, F., …Governi, L., Lazzeri, S. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018, 850, pp. 273–280
- A CAD-based procedure for designing 3D printable arm-wrist-hand cast. Buonamici, F., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2018, 16(1), pp. 25–34
- Reverse engineering techniques for virtual reconstruction of defective skulls: An overview of existing approaches. Buonamici, F., Furferi, R., Genitori, L., …Mussa, F., Volpe, Y. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2018, 16(1), pp. 103–112
- On the Performance of the Intel SR300 Depth Camera: Metrological and Critical Characterization. Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, 17(14), pp. 4508–4519, 7929364
- Fast and Low Cost Acquisition and Reconstruction System for Human Hand-wrist-arm Anatomy. Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., Governi, L., …Volpe, Y., Mcgreevy, K. Procedia Manufacturing, 2017, 11, pp. 1600–1608
- A RGB-D based instant body-scanning solution for compact box installation. Furferi, R., Governi, L., Uccheddu, F., Volpe, Y. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 0, pp. 819–828